Every serious breeder and proactive pet owner knows about the many health benefits of feeding your dog the BARF diet. BARF or bones and raw food diet consists mainly of, yes, bones and raw meat.
What is in raw food diet that makes it healthier than ordinary dog food? Many have asked the same question. But a rather better question to ask is what is NOT in raw food. Feeding your bulldog raw food allows him a great amount of raw nutrients that can’t be found in processed kibble and canned dog food. Because the meat in a raw diet has undergone no chemical processing whatsoever, it is richer in protein and contains no chemical preservatives.
Compared to dry dog food, raw meat is naturally moist and will not dehydrate your bulldog. The moisture found in the raw meat will also help keep your bulldog’s coat naturally waterproof and smelling good. Also, raw bones will also help keep your dog’s mouth and teeth healthy and smelling good.
The reason why many expert breeders and pet owners promote the BARF is that it mimics the natural diet of a dog’s wild canine counterparts. And if you notice, wolves and other canines in the wild look healthy and have great coats without the help of vets and human care. And this seems to be working too. Look at Toby; he’s just one of many dogs that are enjoying the benefits of the BARF diet.
For Toby the bulldog, his diet consists primarily of raw meat with veggies, ground and packed as frozen cubes, and sold from the local butcher shop. This is a great diet you can start your dog on. And like Toby’s owner here, you can also add some turkey or chicken legs and some chicken gizzards for variety. He also gets some supplements along with his meals. And once in a while, he gets a raw bone treat to chew on.
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